Part of the joy of consumption is being done with the item eventually.
Who apart from fashion-obsessed dictators’ wives with a tenuous grasp on reality wants to hang
onto things forever? But reusable gifts win you brownie points for being things
that the recipients will notice again and again, hopefully causing them to think
of you again and again. Plus, there’s that whole
reduce-waste-happy-environment-blah-blah stuff too.
Some suggestions:
- a plant instead of cut flowers
- a beer making kit instead of a 12-pack
- a book of chocolate recipes instead of a box of truffles
- a sewing machine instead of clothes
- a paper making/recycling class instead of stationery
- a pet instead of a set of novelty meats
Clearly I'm getting a bit desperate, but you imaginative people should be able to come up with something...
Effort involved: presumably no more than buying a disposable gift.